Show us what you can do!

Summer Internships Available.

Garden Intern 

The Garden Intern will work with the executive director to ensure the success of the garden and the greenhouse. 

Tasks include:

  • Assisting in the garden in all phases of plant growth, including:
    • Seed planting
    • Watering
    • General tending and organizing
    • Weeding
    • Pest management
  • Help with harvesting crops and replanting throughout season as necessary
  • Help with record keeping of planting, harvest, loss and donations 
  • Assist volunteers with garden tasks
  • Lead tours and orientations for group volunteer opportunities
  • Help to prepare garden products to be sold on Brigit’s Bounty website and at events
  • Helping to tend the beehives and caring for the chickens
  • Create 2023 Season Presentation in conjunction with media intern

Compensation $750 scholarship – 

Start Date 6/5/2023 End Date 8/4/2023

Proposed schedule:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2 to 4 hour shifts (ability to be remote as appropriate). Remote meetings once per month, day and time to be determined. 

Media Intern

The media intern will work in symbiosis with Brigit’s Bounty Community Resources staff to facilitate a rebranding and marketing campaign.

Projects Include:

  • Help design new logo
  • Photograph garden, volunteers and events
  • Create marketing resources
  • Make four promotional videos including 2023 Season Presentation in conjunction with garden intern
  • Create Marketing materials folder in Drive

Compensation – $500 scholarship

Start Date 6/5/2023 End Date 8/4/2023

Proposed schedule:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2 to 4 hour shifts (ability to be remote as appropriate). Remote meetings once per month, day and time to be determined. 

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